Mixed combustion equipments 1 페이지

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Mixed combustion equipments

Mixed combustion equipments by using Brown Gas

It is a mixture of fossil fuel and brown gas, and incinerates incombustible industrial wastes, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and odors at 800ºC or more to reduce fuel consumption and reduce the amount of greenhouse gases (CO₂, NOx, etc.).

[ER-100K Brown Gas Generator]

[Industrial waste incinerating process facility in Koshin Service, Japan]

[Waste silicon(Si) sludge drying facility in Ishihyoki co., Japan]

[Waster water non-drainage facility by incineration in Ishihyoki co., Japan]

[Oil 20lt/h flame vs (Oil 14lt/h + Brown Gas 3m3/h) flame length comparison] See Viedo

[Oil 20lt/h flame vs (Oil 14lt/h + Brown Gas 3m3/h) flame tempeature comparison]

Flame coparison

Contents Oil Oil + Brown Gas Remarks
Flame length 850mm 1600mm 1. Reduce fuel cost by 30 ~ 60%
(subject to change depending on facility efficiency)
2. Reduction of fume and fine dust
Core flame 550mm 1150mm
Temperature after 5 minute 465ºC 554ºC
Fuel consumption 20L/h 14L/h


Customer Usage Model name Year
Koshin Service co. ltd, Japan Industrial waste incineration ER-100K 2008
MJT co. ltd, Korea VOC's / ill-smell incineration ER-20K 2009
Ishihyoki co. ltd, Japan 240ton/day waste water non-drainage facility by incineration NER-86K 2010
Ishihyoki co. ltd, Japan 30ton/day waste sludge drying and ill-smell removing facility NER-129K 2010
Heave Funeral Home co. Indonesia Cremation facility NER-4.6K 2012

COMPANY : E&E     CEO : HYUN JANG SOO, YANGSOOK JUNG     TEL : +82 31 354 0670     FAX : +82 31 354 3690

E-MAIL : ene06700690@daum.net     ADDRESS : 599, 3.1manse-ro, Paltan-myeon, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, Zip code : 18578