National project contents 1 페이지

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National project contents

Ministry of Environment :
The next generation core environmental
technology development project

Melting system by using Brown Gas

Date Title Contents
2001. 08.01 ~ 2003. 07.31 New concept melting system by using Brown Gas E&E was selected as the next generation core
environmental technology provider by the Ministry of
Environment. and developed "A new concept of melting
system by using Brown Gas."
It succeeded in exporting the melting system (5 tons / day)
to Japan.

Flame-retardant and non-combustible waste
incineration and melting one body system by using
Brown Gas

Date Title Contents
2003. 06.01 ~ 2005. 05.31 Flame-retardant and non-combustible waste incineration and melting one body system by using Brown Gas E&E was selected as a next-generation core environmental
technology provider by the Ministry of Environment and
successful developed one body system.

Flame-retardant and non-flammable hazards such as waste tires,
waste urethane, and medical waste can be completely harmless

COMPANY : E&E     CEO : HYUN JANG SOO, YANGSOOK JUNG     TEL : +82 31 354 0670     FAX : +82 31 354 3690

E-MAIL :     ADDRESS : 599, 3.1manse-ro, Paltan-myeon, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, Zip code : 18578